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EXODUS 20:17 KJV reads,"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any                              thing that is thy neighbour's."


African men, Europe and America is in the pursuit to obtain control over the world. They ruthless acquired your land and forced you to serve them. They also obtained the land of other nations and demand them to render goods and services. They took away their means of living and are excessively producing agriculture and depriving them from possessing it. You belong to the nation of Israel. Europe and America has made you accustomed to their nation as if it is your home. They will blame you for their misfortune. Europe and America will be reduce to a state of distress and hardship. Their armed forces will be overpowered and subject to the authority of other nations. They will require them to pay off their debt and provide services unto them. Thereafter they will try to kill you out to exercise dominating influence. Their desire is to obtain possession of your nation and claim it as their own, that you may remain a servant unto their nation. You will prevail against all odds and difficulties and achieve mastery over them. I will give you ownership of your nation to direct the administration of my laws and to train and lead my armed forces. Receive the terms of my covenant and undertake the responsibility of providing my people with their land. Israel's borders are from the river of Egypt to the river of Euphrates. Being under the control of Europe and America has caused you to adapt to your existing circumstances, where you share their religious practices, history, and language. Take notice that you have strongly attached yourselves unto their nation as if their environment offers you security and happiness. Europe and America will hold you responsible for their destruction, in which they have armed themselves to come against you. You will obtain victory and will bring them under control. I will give you the power to enforce my laws and exact obedience to my commands. Europe will be given unto poverty and will lack all basic material goods. I will put an end to their rule, and will give you authority over your land, which it is your right to possess and use. Those of Judah who are left after the destruction shall perform the duties of my administration. You shall have superiority over all Israel and supreme authority above all nations. It is of certainty that I will deliver you and restore your Sovereignty. 

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