Exodus 20:14 KJV bible reads, "THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY."
Men of Judah, you must not concern yourselves over the affairs of America. Nor intermingle with their politics. You are the chief magistrate of Israel. It is your duty under the covenant to exercise authority over your own nation. America does not obtain the right to rule over you. Stop promoting their interest.You are my heritage. I ordained you as the commander of my army, and the ruler of my people. Therefore, kings proceed from your tribe. Stop listening to America and pay attention to my commandments. Show respect and obey my laws. Know that it is your sole duty to regulate my commandment, statues, decrees, and ordinances. America seized control over you and claim you as their property. Wherefore, you identify as Americans and are in possession of the United States. You belong to my Kingdom. America does not have the legal authority to govern you. Elevate your power and contribute to the growth and prosperity of your own nation. Uniting yourselves with the political affairs of America is an unlawful union. Their sole desire is to keep you under the control of their government. Their aim is to deprive you of your liberty that you may remain subject to their commands and comply with their orders. I appointed you Judah to manage my nation, to organize my military, and to enforce my laws forever. Have no doubt that you are at the end of your captivity and America will meet it's destruction. This is my Judgment and not a coincidence. Give heed and wait for it. America and Europe will be recompense for the bloodshed of my people. They are systematically exterminating your nation, and slaughtering your people through war, disease, and famine. They have a profound hatred for you and are intermixing with you to deliberately stop the reproduction of your people. Recognize the nature of my laws, that it speaks the truth. My laws transcend the fundamental and spiritual reality. Come into accordance with the facts and understand you are the only ones I have given authority to establish order. Take possession over your enemies and sell them. I will give you ownership over them. Europe removed you far from your land and sold you into slavery. Shall I not do the the same unto them. Do not engage them according to your own feeling or sentiment. They are the genealogy of Satan, and are part man and angel DNA. Though they resemble some of the characteristics of man, they are not the origins of the human race. Their heart is set against the natural order, and they have no compassion for you or man. They took possession over the world and are enjoying your land as if it is their own. Now that I have provided you with the complete understanding of your circumstances impart the knowledge and communicate my message.