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The tablets inscribed with my Commandments are my divine decree. They were given firsthand to your fathers and are a solemn declaration of facts attested by them in the Old Testament. The testimonies of Christ in the New Testament were made to deceive you and violate my laws. Take note that it testifies in opposition to my laws which displays disapproval of Me and enmity towards you. My Commandments constitute the fundamental laws of my nation. Understand Judah, this message proceed from me, your God and King. I ordained you men to enforce the laws of my nation. I gave you alone the authority to administrate my laws. Commit yourselves to the establishment of your Monarchy. I will restore you to power by the way of my laws. Israel is my Kingdom on earth. I'm providing you with the knowledge to exercise supreme authority over the affairs of my people. Separate yourselves from all that you were taught and observe my commandments, statues, decrees, and ordinances solely. My laws are the only customs of your nation. Before me there was no god. I am the God of Creation and there is no other god beside Me. I am one and I do not change. I am the God of your fathers, Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, the King of Israel. I, Emperor Haile Selassie I, title is legitimate and is in exact accordance with reality. I am manifesting Myself to you to help you know your genealogy and understand who you are. Isaiah 9:6 made mention of my government and the Psalms of David 87:3-5 confirmed My habitation. I came into the world to fulfill the prophecy because there was no man that adhered to my laws. The New Testament portrayed Jesus as the son so that you may profane My name. Recognize how Christianity do not leave according to My commandments, statues, or judgments. Understand the Papacy made themselves your lord. They are controlling you through religion and oppressing you with their laws. My laws is the physical makeup in which your Sovereign power is distributed. They are the leading principles that serve as the foundation of your Monarchy. Behold my messenger and know that it is I who have spoken. I have given my messenger supreme authority to govern you. Comply with My administration. I will make restitution for you and will rebuild Israel. I will be with you and will furnish you with my principles and protect you. Set yourselves apart from the rest of the world and accept the authority of my messenger. I am directing my messenger to show you the way to obtaining absolute power over your nation. I am the first and nothing proceeds Me. I alone am Israel's Savior. I am not one of two nor am I divided in three. I travel alone and have no companions. Rome does not have the right to possess you. I am your lawful ruler and you are My inheritance. Acknowledge the state of your existence. It is not difficult to be seen nor is it hidden from your eyes. I made Myself clear and disclose the scriptures to you so that it would be obvious to your understanding. The lineage of the Kings of Judah, from David to Solomon, and from Solomon to the generation of descendants in the natural order of succession ended with my arrival. The account of their history is found in the book of Kings/The Kebra Nagast referencing my Monarchy. Now I have given you affirmation that Ethiopia is My dwelling place. Give Me an answer by performing your part of the Covenant.

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