Exodus 20:4-6 reads, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers, upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me; And shewing mercy unto the thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments."
Respect my authority and stop violating my commandments. You must in no way establish your own government, enact your own laws, or to any degree should you institute religion, pursue worldly affairs, or set up foreign administrations in your land: You are required by my law to refuse foreign customs and to reject their principles: I Emperor Haile Selassie I, am your King, and the Creator of the universe. I will not tolerate disloyalty. I sent you into captivity for the injustice of your forefathers who opposed my laws; And now I am manifesting myself through my commandments that you may know me and conform to my laws. It is of graven importance that you pay close attention to my commandments that you may obtain independence. To no degree should you represent the rules and customs of other nations: Use my Constitution to restrain other nations from imposing their laws. Do not surrender to their will or subject yourselves to their judgments: I am the Sovereign of your nation and the only God. Religion is idolatry and I will not contend with any false gods, nor will I share my nation with any form of political organization. Neither will I accept you making allegiance with other nations. I departed from your fathers and caused them to fall into the hands of their enemies for establishing their customs in my land; I am making my laws known to free you from their control. Show proper regards and obey my commands. Give me an affirmative answer by adhering to my laws. Utilize my Constitution to free yourselves from the legal obligation of other governments. In no manner should you copy their style of governing. Do not implement any network of distribution or build industries for them in your land. You must not copy their ways in which they organize their society: Devote your time and attention to establishing my laws and possess full control over your land. My laws is the structure in which your society is organized and the manner in which sovereign power is distributed. Under no circumstance should you yield to any demands and relinquish control over your land, or place yourselves under the rule of other nations to be governed by them: Know that I possess supreme dominion over you and I alone am the Ruler over Israel. I will not compete with any government and will depart from you if you become confederate with other nations. Consequently, your forefathers brought about Israel's downfall when they turned away from my laws to follow after other nations; I am with you and preparing you with the understanding of my commandments to exercise political independence. Commit yourselves unto Me, your God and King and defend the body of rules and principles that uphold your Sovereignty.