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EXODUS 20:3 reads, "Thou shalt serve no other                           gods before Me."



Judah, you must in no respect or degree serve any other ruler. You are compelled by commandment to completely reject any one that makes their own laws. My Constitution restrain foreign policy and prevent other nations from exerting authority over you. The enforcement of my laws is the highest legislation in the world and has supreme authority to over rule all governments. My laws put you in a position of authority and deprive foreign nations of the liberty of controlling you. My Commandments embodies the essences of my spirit which is eminently pure. It's essential principles are my disposition of mind which is morally excellent, and influencing natural virtue. Turn to me and submit to my  laws. Engage in my services to exercise control over foreign dominance and stop allowing them to hinder you from evolving. They took away your possessions forcefully and are withholding you from attaining control over your land. My Constitution supply with what is needed to establish your Sovereignty, and places you in control over your affairs. Change your position completely and stop defending foreign principles. Their principles are the foundation which support their rule. They utilize their policies to corrupt and confound you, of which your nation has been conquered and your people uprooted. Your destruction was ordered by Rome. The Roman Catholic Church is the head of Christianity, the empire of Satan. Satan founded Christianity to combat my laws. His administration unlawfully gave themselves power to as they please with their policies. They positioned themselves over you as your lord, depriving you of your liberty, and subjecting you to their authority through their laws. They used their laws to prevent you from obtaining independence to keep you subjected to them. This form of confinement is political imprisonment. My Sovereignty is founded solely by my principles, decrees, and ordinances which secure your Kingdom. Direct your attention towards my laws and stop concerning yourselves over the affairs of America. The principles of America does not provide you with your independence as a nation. My Constitution is the principal element in which your Sovereignty stands. Uphold your own nation and stop showing favor to America. America's policies influence homosexuality and force sexual perversion destroying the children.They have displayed great evil and is a wicked nation. Washington DC is a replica Rome and they are one. They lead you astray from my divine principles through their religion. I expelled Satan from heaven due to his rebellion against Me, of which he is an enemy unto you and the entire human race. All of humanity including plants and animals are made of carbon of which Satan and his descendants lack. Satan's kingdom is Vatican of which America falls under. They took possession over you violently, placed you under their laws, and is oppressing you to this day. They also grounded you in Christianity to keep you in a permanent position below them, and are slaughtering you through the practice of medicine and their court system. The Roman Catholic Church implemented these methods of killing us to conceal its connection with politics. The pope is seated in the highest position of power and gave himself the title, god on earth. He is a fallen angel functioning as a light bearer who enlightens, yet he is your accuser. He uses his laws and bring accusation against you and persecute you. He has no regards for Me and is fighting directly against Me with his governments. Their government is an unlawful organization. They use their power of arms and exert themselves in a position of superiority and dictate their rule. I, Emperor Haile Selassie I, is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, your God. Rome do not obtain the right to exercise power over you. Know Judah, that I the King of Israel, is your one and only ruler and not them. I alone will release you from the control of Rome and will restore Israel. I am providing with my Commandments and confirming my Covenant with you, that your reconciliation with Me be fulfilled in these times.  


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