African men, you must not take part on either side of war. Do not submit yourselves to the commands of other nations or assume responsibility to engage in their military services. You are the descendants of Israel and you belong to my kingdom. In no manner should you yield to the control of their governments or show regards for their misfortune. It is not your moral or legal duty to join their armed forces. They aim to entangle you with their political warfare as a snare to maintain control. You are my heritage and you owe allegiance to me. Adhere to my principles and do not forsake my authority. Under no circumstances should you obligate yourselves to Europe's and America's poverty and trouble. Show a sense of obligation to yourselves. You are foreigners among these nations. Therefore you must not fortify them. It is not your responsibility to furnish them with a system of defense or offense. Do not get involved in their affairs. Europe and America wage war deliberately to exercise authority over the world. I am your ruler by birthright and you are bound by blood to have complete loyalty unto me. Accept the truth and observe my laws. Abandon foreign customs completely and change your ways of thinking. I alone have the right to give you orders. Stop subjecting yourselves to be under the control of foreign administrations. Withdraw from their military and do not concern yourselves with their destruction and affliction. Direct your attention towards setting up your Monarchy. You are not the offspring of Europe. Therefore you must not defend them. Do not sacrifice your lives to secure their governments of form any treaties or leagues with them. Europe and America invade and violently attack nations for acquisition of territory to extend commerce, to plunder, and establish superiority. No one other than myself possess superior power to exercise supreme authority. Enforce my commandments, statues, decrees, and principles with exact accordance to my rules and comply with my regulations. Prohibit foreign laws and separate yourselves from their system of faith and worship. Restrict the observance of religion and stop entrusting your lives in their hands. It is not your duty to look after their nation. Do not take any interest in doing anything for them or worry over their destitution and loss of power. Prepare yourselves physically and mentally to restore your Sovereignty. You must not make alliances with other governments to become loyal to their leaders and protect their country. To do degree should you establish a government by the people or democracy. It is of graven importance that you do not disregard my terms and become confederate with any other nation.