Exodus 20:13 KJV bible reads, "Thou shalt not kill."
African men, Europe and America has denied you of your rights to constructive development and has been behaving hostile because of their removal. Do not allow no one to prevent the passage of my laws. My laws are the vital force that will help you defeat your enemies and overcome destruction. America and Europe refuse to grant you your independence. They do not promote your advancement. Neither do they desire for you to cultivate your land. Standing against Europe and America's principles are in conformity with the required standards to achieve your independence. The actions of Europe and America express their corruption and perverted ways. They are contentious nations who always threaten war to get what they want. Stop defending American and Europe. It is not your responsibility to assist them in war. You do not belong to their nation. Stop serving their governments as if it is your God. Acknowledge the truth and institute my system of rules which defends your rights and secure justice for you. My Divine Commandments are essential to the existence and continuance of your nation. It is your political strength that keeps foreign legislation's from exercising control over you. Further your advancement and give your assistance and support each other to gain superiority over your nation. Europe and America's destructive forces must be combat by the cooperation of your entire nation to overwhelm them and halt their invasion. Only then can you prevent them from achieving control over you and your land. Remove their governments from your land. They are only there to frustrate your nation and to keep you under subjection. All the rules of my Monarchy are your source of support and are absolutely necessary to make you more effective in overpowering Europe and America. It is your exclusive right to be self governed and not depend on foreign nations for support. Europe and America only seek to increase the size of their military operations in your land to maintain their position over you. Promote your own development to increase in strength and intensity. Support your nation and maintain your position in opposition to Europe and America. Prepare yourselves for war and take away their dominion. Europe and America has made a decree against you and attend to utilize biological warfare to spread disease. They are determine to destroy you to maintain power. Europe and America have unjustifiably desolated nations and deluged the entire earth with blood. They use their military operations to cause hostilities and unrest between nations to obtain superiority and establish dominion over them. They consistently wage for plunder and accomplish their rule through slaughter and destruction. Maintain your right and stop subjecting yourselves to die and kill for America and Europe. You are neither American or European, nor do they consider you as one of their own. You are viewed as their property. Therefore they claim ownership over you. You wait for their commands and obey them slavishly, and adopt their opinions as if they are the sovereign of the world. Know that you idolize heathens who kill the rulers of your people. It is your legal right to possess and use the resources of your land. Establish my laws to completely and firmly eradicate foreign principles. My laws are perfect and not tainted by evil. Nor do my laws bring about misfortune or threaten the livelihood of your people. Your obedience to my laws is the only true reverence you can display. My laws are the chief principal in establishing your Monarchy. It will maintain your rights and restrain foreign policies. Neither Europe nor America have the right to give you commands or enforce obedience to their orders, or make any decisions over your nation. This power must be solely delegated by you. I made my Covenant with you and not any other people, to enforce my laws. Judge the laws of man and know that Europe and America give not the power unto you but themselves. Discern my laws and understand that you are the foremost in power, and I alone come before you. I am the Sovereign of your nation and your God, and it is my laws that keep you from being subjected to foreign control. Europe and America invested themselves with the authority to rule over you forever. You are the lawful heirs of your nation and have the right to remove foreign government's from your land. My laws are the only perfect standard of justice which accords with the truth. Contribute to the growth of your military to obtain undue power over your enemies. Look not for any form of compensation and relieve your entire nation from the control of Europe and America. Provide subsistence for your nation and stop bearing the hardship of sustaining foreign governments. Europe and America use what ever means necessary to prevent the unification of our nation. Overcome their influences and come together to stop them from infringing on your rights. Overturning their system of laws and principles will prevent them from being over you. My Constitution is your Monarchical power which is perfect thoroughly lacking no parts, and is all that you is needed for the obtainment of your Independence.